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Interested in consigning with us?

Wear It Again, Kid! has very high consignment standards so that we may offer our customers excellent quality, while earning our clients top dollar for their well cared for items.

We are seasonal, so please call your nearest Wear It Again, Kid! store to inquire what we are accepting. We are not brand snobs, but we are condition snobs! We ask that you sort thru your items; we will not accept items with stains, missing buttons, broken snaps, pilled fabric, odor from a smoking home,or faded fabric. Fold outfit pieces together in a shopping bag or box. We do not accept single pieces of sets that would not be sellable on their own. You may bring as many items as you wish, as often as you wish.We accept consignments daily, as a courtesy, please arrive at least 30 minutes prior to closing time, so we provide excellent service to all. We do not take appointments. We select super clean baby gear in excellent working condition, recall free(please check the Internet for recalls). Carseats must be dated less than 5 years old. Toys must be clean, working, extra pieces bagged into sets. Books must be clean, with good bindings. If you are not sure whether an item would be acceptable, call Wear It Again, Kid! for clarification.

We charge $1 per month, only for months in which you have active items on consignment. You may receive an itemized list of your consignment, account balance, and expiration dates anytime at  You may pick up your "No thank you items" or you can authorize us to donate these on your behalf to one of our donation partners. We donate responsibly and do not derive any benefit from donations.

We cut checks every other month and you may use any accrued credit for store purchase at any location. We pay 50% on items sold.

Wear It Again, Kid! a family run business, has been operating for over 19 years; we are the areas leading children's consignment venues. We use a variety of marketing and advertising venues such as print, Instagram, and Facebook in order to create a steady traffic of customers. We sell approximately 92% of what we accept, which means more money for our clients. We take pride in our "Mommy Friendly" consignment policy and our staff works very hard for our clients. We believe consigning should be fun! Not work! Your time is valuable, let us do your consigning for you! You are among friends at Wear It Again, Kid!


311 W. Washington St. Charles Town, WV 304-725-7549 (our 20th year) Whoohoo!

47E Catoctin Circle SE Leesburg, VA 703-443-6888 (our 9th year)

145 E. Davis St. Culpeper, VA 540-321-4744 (our 5th year )


Charles Town/Leesburg:

Monday-Friday 10-5

Saturday 10-5

Sunday 11-4


Wednesday - Saturday 10-5

Sunday 11-4

*****Please note that inn January and July, our stores may have a shortened schedule. Please call ahead to determine operation hours*******

1/2 Price Tag color Sale the 25th through 1st of every month!

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